Advertise in Hotels

Advertise in Hotels

Advertise in Hotels

Advertise in Hotels

Advertise in Hotels

Advertise in Hotels

Advertise in Hotels

Advertise in Hotels

Advertise in Hotels

Advertising in hotels offers maximum coverage across large metropolitan areas, suburban areas, small cities, and stops off the interstate. Our hotel products offer premium exposure through a variety of mediums – Key Cards Digital Screens, In-Room Sampling, Hotel Bars, and tons more! Upscale, Midscale, and Economy Brands throughout all continental states, you have access to over 6,000 hotels, with 600,000+ nightly guests.
San Francisco
Hotels for business travelers
Hotels for road trippers
Hotels with bars and restaurants
Hotels near convention centers
Hotels near casinos
Hotels for families
Hotels as resorts
Ad Focus offers a rare opportunity to get your brand directly in your customer’s hand. We offer Key Card advertising which reaches customers and influences their spending while on the road. Travelers view their Key Card ad 6-8 times per day and often take them home. Coupons, contests, QR codes, & special offers can be included.
Digital Screen Advertising in Hotels can reach travelers all over the country. In lobbies, elevators, restaurants, and other prime locations within hotels, our digital screens can reach a huge number of customers. Our hotels boast 600,000 guests per night and up to 13+ million travelers per month.
Our hotels all across the country include restaurants and bars. Advertising in bars is the perfect fit for many brands trying to reach consumers right where they eat and drink. Coasters, table tents, branded glassware, and many more products offer prime locations for your brand to share its message.