What is Experiential Marketing?

experiential marketing

Experiential marketing – sometimes referred to as engagement marketing – is an innovative type of marketing that’s changing the advertising landscape. This type of marketing essentially offers consumers the ability to participate or have a hands-on experience with your brand or product.

Experiential marketing may also be referred to as “event marketing, live marketing, participation marketing, or special events marketing” as it allows consumers to jump in, become part of a brand’s evolution, and engage with the brand.

Utilizing marketing to create an “experience” is a strategy that provides an invitation to engage with – or experience – a brand, product or what a company represents. The Event Marketing Institute reports that among brands who use it over 65% say that it positively correlates with sales.

In 2012, Samsung, in sponsorship of the 2012 Olympics, created brand experiences across London focused on demonstrating their new Galaxy phone and Note products. They invited those passing by to play with apps, take photos and enter to win prizes. Having interacted directly with the brand and its products, over a third of visitors said they’d be more likely to consider purchasing a Samsung as a result.

Why is Experiential Marketing so Effective?

There are a few reasons. By creating an experience that provides value to consumers in its path, they’re more likely to participate. It also allows for online integration – companies can create a branded hashtag participants can use to share their experience on social media. (#howcoolisthat?)

Additionally, people are creatures of habit. We like what we know and when we are unsure about a company’s brand or product, interacting and getting to know it, touch it, or feel it hands-on is a great way to sway us from undecided consumer to becoming a fan. The purpose of experiential marketing in any campaign is to create tangible experiences with people you’re trying to target or attract to the brand, in an offline way, yet allow them to continue an online dialogue be that “liking, snapping, or sharing” via social media.

For inspiration here are some great examples of experiential marketing campaigns.

Ad Focus provides unique products that can be used in conjunction with experiential marketing campaigns. Contact us today for more information or drop us an e-mail to say hi at hello@theadfocus.com.

Here’s the links to the sources referenced above:


