Advertising Strategies Using Discounts, Coupons, and QR Codes

Discount Coupon

Advertising Strategies Using Discounts, Coupons, and QR Codes

Offering discounts in mobile digital advertising is one way to drive customers to you. Consumers love to feel as if they’ve received a “deal.” Discounts and coupons encourage your audience to choose your brand over your competitors’.

Advertising With Discounts

Consumers associate discounts with a positive feeling. They often expect a discount to be associated with promotional messaging. There’s risk in losing out to competitors if one is not offered. Discounts can be used in messaging throughout any medium Ad Focus offers.

Advertising With Coupons

90% of consumers use coupons, therefore advertising with coupons should be considered. Ad Focus has a great new product in Hotel Key Cards available across the country that could allow your customers to take home your ad and use it as a coupon. The Hotel Key Card and/or its envelope is your coupon – “Show this card for a free appetizer.” “Bring your card for a 10% at your next appointment.” “Use this promo code online for free shipping.”

Advertising With QR Codes

QR Code (a square matrix barcode) can be used in your digital or mobile advertising, in addition to hotel key cards. It can be used to drive people to your website, with or without a discount incentive. For example, your Ad Focus Digital Mobile Billboard can have a QR Code with the text “Map to our Closet Location!” Your Ad Focus Digital Screen advertisement in hotels can show your QR code with the text “Get a 10% Discount Online!” Making your own QR code is free and easy when using a QR Code Generator.

Should I Use Discounts When Advertising?

You and your advertising team must decide if discounts, coupons, or QR codes are the best thing for your brand. While there can be risks and downsides, when used effectively or at the right time with your Ad Focus displays, these marketing strategies can really boost your business.

Ready to take advantage of this marketing opportunity? Contact Ad Focus online, email us, or check us out on Instagram. We are ready to partner with you!

Photo by Artem Beliaikin