Designing a Billboard: Tips and Tricks

We all know that billboards work – you, acting as a consumer, have probably purchased something because a billboard mentioned it. They’re effective because they’re strategically placed where they’ll be seen by people, lots and lots of people. The more, the merrier the profits.

In this regard, location, location, location is of huge importance. But, of course, it’s not the only thing that matters. The design of your billboard is just as vital. A billboard featuring a picture of a juicy hamburger that all but leaves a driver licking their car window? Yep, that’s a billboard that booms!

So, how do you design something dynamic? It starts with making sure you know the exact message you want to convey. Communicating multiple messages at once leaves consumers going down different paths. They’ll get lost in the process of the purchase and run to your competitor for directions.

Once you know your message, make it even more simple: aim for seven words of less. People pass by billboards, they don’t stop and study them. Thus, the shorter the message, the more likely you are to get your entire message across. Think of it this way – you have 3-5 seconds to say what you want. Go! Keep it short, sweet, and straightforward.

Billboard helpful tips include

Use primary colors: Remember when we learned about primary colors in grade school? Turns out that wasn’t a waste of time! Billboards should use hues of blue, yellow and red. These are colors that naturally draw people’s attention.

Focus on fonts: Fonts matter when it comes to advertising. Rather than utilizing an obscure font, keep the font – like the message – simple. You might have compassion for Comic Sans, but no one else does.

Make your logo noticeable: If you’re putting your logo on the billboard, make sure it’s big enough for people to see it. If it’s smaller than half the board, it’s likely to be overlooked by onlookers.

Play with the puns: Puns can certainly summons a groan or two, but they’re memorable. And cleverness and wordplay are appreciated in advertising. A billboard void of any whimsy quickly turns into a bill-bored (see what we did there?).

If you’re interested in billboard advertising – from the concept to the location – or other types of marketing, we can help: contact us today!   Also check out our website at and always feel to drop us a line at